Wednesday 11 March 2009

Purposes of Blog

Welcome to the blog of the Welsh Cultural Embassy! This blog has many purposes, but together they are to be considered as a means and foundation of raising the profile of both Wales and the Welsh language amongst its readers (and ideally, beyond them). I will of course give a personal reference in the blog from time too. Additionally, according to my own personal predeliction, I intend to blog in any of my three main professional languages: English, French or Welsh.

However, you are free to contact me in your language of choice of the above three and I will reply to you in that one. I do not intend to repeat what is already in my personal profile with regard to my background, either socially or academically nor indeed professionally. With this in mind, I intend to concentrate here on the reasoning behind setting up the blog and what (for the most part) will be its contents. I have regularly found it to be the case that the vast majority of our geographical neighbours (perhaps from choice) have a rather poor understanding and grasp of things regarding to Wales and the Welsh language. The same can be said for a substantial number of our fellow Europeans. If, like me, you are a mother-tongue speaker of Welsh, you may find this a very familiar story. Aware of these deficiencies, and with the potential of interacting with international readers, I thought about establishing this virtual Embassy.

This interaction in the blog reader's language of choice - be it English, French or Welsh - would be, I hoped, a means of providing them with further information about Wales, its vibrant traditions, its strong culture, its long history, its beautiful language and ancient literature, in addition to its contemporary political scene and indeed, anything else of a Welsh interest that a caller at the Embassy could seek. However, let it be stressed immediately that I do not profess to be an expert in ALL fields or disciplines involved in the 'subject matter of Wales.'

For my own part, I will strive to play to my strengths with regard to such matters as Welsh language and literature, some aspects of culture, history and traditions as well as the exciting current affairs situation. It is possible, if not self-evident that I will not be able to supply a full answer every time. Indeed, there will be occasions when answers will not be possible at all as the subject matter is totally beyond my knowledge. In such cases, I intend to refer my readers to more specialist materials and sources, on the Internet or elsewhere, where the answer sought may well be found. In such cases for example, I can categorically state I have limited knowledge of Welsh Folk Dancing, but I do have the address of the person to contact as the Secretary of Cymdeithas Dawns Werin Cymru.

I am not however responsible for any loss or damage suffered by a reader of this blog who relies on the information given by individuals, bodies, organisations or web sites referred to in good faith by me. They are there to be used as possible sources of information and can refer the inquirer to other beneficial sources.If this blog contributes to an increase the knowledg and appreciation of Wales and of things Welsh it will have proven its worth.I look forward to your comments.

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